Burdick, Lydia. The Sunshine on My Face: a Read-Aloud Book for Memory-Challenged Adults. Baltimore, MD: Health Professions Press, 2005.
My Review/Summary
This rare little gem is a picture book that invites conversations with older adults who face memory challenges, including Alzheimer's and dementia. Sentences are simple, and they highlight enjoyable aspects of daily life. There are helpful instructions and accompanying questions that stimulate conversation and involve the adult being cared for in the reading process. This book creates the opportunity for many warm, loving (even if short!) conversations.
The author, Lydia Burdick, holds a master's degree in Clinical Practices (psychology), and wrote the book while caring for her mother, who had been diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.
My Notes
My grandmother, at the age of 97, enjoyed reading this book to me. She and I enjoyed the page "I love to be hugged by someone I love" , which always led to at least one big hug. We generally read only a few pages at a sitting, and we always saved the "hugs" page for the happy ending.
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